| 2012 Big Sur Nearshore Characterization and Alder Creek DivesMapped locations of 2012 Big Sur Nearshore Characterization and Alder Creek Dives. BSNC dives are conducted annually. Alder Creek from 2012-2014. |
 | Alder Creek slide subtidal surveys (through 11/15/2012)Alder Creek slide subtidal surveys (through 11/15/2012). Update through 2014 to come. |
 | California SeamountsThis map shows all known seamounts that occur in federal waters off the California coast. |
 | Cruise Ship Anchoring SitesThis map depicts permitted areas to anchor large cruise ships within Monterey Bay. |
 | Deep Sea (Depth Zone Area by Sanctuary) This map shows depth zones by sanctuary, focusing on the deep sea (>200 meters). Published in 2007. |
 | Depth Classifications Within MBNMS and GFNMSThis map shows the distribution of continental shelf, slope and rise around MBNMS and GFNMS. This map appears at the Sanctuary Exploration Center in Santa Cruz. Published in 2010. |
 | Elkhorn Slough ElevationThis map shows elevation (measured by LiDAR) of Elkhorn Slough and surrounding areas. Published in 2007. |
 | Elkhorn Slough Land UseThis map shows land use around Elkhorn Slough and surrounding areas. Published in 2007. |
 | Elkhorn Slough, Moss Landing and Monterey CanyonThis map shows the proximity of the Monterey canyon (in the form of shaded relief) to the mouth of Moss Landing harbor and Elkhorn Slough. Published in 2010. |
 | F/V McArthur II Cruise Video Sled Tracklines - April 2004This map shows the cruise video sled tracklines run from the FSV McArthur II in April 2004. Published in 2004. |
 | Kelp ForestsThis map shows the distribution of kelp canopy maxima along the central California coast, as published by California Department of Fish and Game, from 2002-2005. Published in 2007. |
 | Marine Zones of Central California National Marine Sanctuaries (published 2010)This map of Marine Zones of Central California National Marine Sanctuaries (published 2010) shows all relevant marine protected areas and zones that existed within Monterey Bay, Cordell Bank, and Gulf of Farallones National Marine Sanctuaries. Most still exist today. |
 | Marine Zones of Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary (published 2009)This map of Marine Zones of Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary (published 2009) shows all relevant marine protected areas and zones that existed then. |
 | Mixed Soft HabitatThis map shows the distribution of habitat type (hard vs soft) throughout MBNMS. Published in 2008. |
 | National Marine Sanctuaries of Central CaliforniaThis map depicts the three National Marine Sanctuaries that exist off the central California coast: Monterey Bay, Greater Farallones, and Cordell Bank. |
 | R/V Fulmar Dive Sites (8/06 - 2/12)This map shows the location of 1,753 SCUBA dives conducted off of the R/V Fulmar from August 2006 through February 2012. |
 | ROV Dives on Sur Ridge Through August 2016This map represents all 24 ROV dives conducted at Sur Ridge by MBARI and MBNMS through August 2016. |
 | Sanctuary SCUBA Depths (0-130 ft)This map shows the approximate area that falls within the safe recreational SCUBA diving depths of 130 feet. This map appears at the Sanctuary Exploration Center in Santa Cruz. |
 | Shoreline type along the central California coastlineCentral California has a very diverse array of shoreline types. This map depicts all beaches (unconsolidated and sandy shoreline) within the Monterey Bay and Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuaries. |
 | Winter Shipping Container/Benthic Ecology Cruise (Dec 11-16, 2013) Study SitesThis map shows study areas during from the Winter Shipping Container/Benthic Ecology Cruise (Dec 11-16, 2013), which operated from the R/V Western Flyer. The purple polygons are Sanctuary Ecologically Significant Areas. |