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Future of the SIMoN Website


  • With feedback from users, the SIMoN website will improve the way it delivers information over time.
  • More information from monitoring projects will continually be added to the website.
  • New data layers will frequently be added to the SIMoN interactive mapping application.

As a system for sharing information, the SIMoN website has been developed to display various types of information to a variety of users. The success of this website will be evaluated based on how effective it is to these users. The SIMoN staff will be working with focus groups that represent the four major types of users of the website: marine scientists, educators, the public, and resource managers. Feedback from these groups will help direct the future development of the SIMoN website.

SIMoN staff have already defined some ideas for expansion. These ideas include:

  • Adding monitoring projects to the SIMoN database
  • Updating the habitat and issue overview information as new scientific findings become available
  • Expanding the education pages to include a gallery of downloadable photos
  • Regularly adding new GIS data layers to SIMoN Interactive Maps
  • Developing new static maps and graphs for each section of the website

Successful refinement of the SIMoN website depends on various groups of people. Comments from website users is crucial for SIMoN staff to understand what people need from the website. You can play a part in SIMoN’s development. Send us your thoughts by clicking the ‘Send Comments’ link here or at the bottom of any page on the website.

New monitoring projects submitted by researchers expands the SIMoN database and allows more information to be displayed on the website. For information on sharing monitoring projects with SIMoN, click here.