California Department of Fish and Wildlife has published the 2022 Decadal Management Review, the first comprehensive statewide review of California Marine Protected Area (MPA) Network and Management Program since the completion of the MPA Network in 2012. This report includes corresponding evaluations of progress toward meeting the goals of the Marine Life Protection Act. It also summarizes the performance of the MPA networking, including summaries of research and science, outreach and education, policy and permitting, and enforcement and compliance. The report concludes with comprehensive recommendations and science guidance for the future. The California Fish and Game Commission will receive this Review at their February 2023 meeting and decide whether to direct CDFW and its partners to pursue recommendations and identified next steps.
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary staff have been involved with the training of research divers, the collection of subtidal and intertidal data, and have contributed to methodology. MBNMS and the West Coast region have provided platform(s) for some collection of data, particularly along the Big Sur coast.
Substantial contributions were also received and incorporated into this report from the Decadal Evaluation and Climate Resilience working groups of the Ocean Protection Council Science Advisory Team, the Performance Evaluation working group of the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, MPA Monitoring Program partners, other agency and non-governmental organization partners, and the public.