NOAA Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary March 2025
110 McAllister Way • Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Office: (831) 420-3661 Email: Steve.Lonhart at
2001 Ph.D. University of California, Santa Cruz. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. “An invasive whelk as predator and prey: the ecology of Kelletia kelletii in Monterey Bay, California.” Advisor: Dr. Donald C. Potts
1996 M.S. California State University, Long Beach. Department of Biological Sciences. “Vertical distribution and diel migration of Norrisia norrisi on Macrocystis pyrifera at Santa Catalina Island, CA.” Advisor: Dr. Alan C. Miller
1990 B.S. University of California, Los Angeles. Department of Biology. Independent research: Gut content analysis of flashlight fish. Advisor: Dr. James Morin
2023 – NOAA, National Ocean Service, Line Office Diving Officer
2022 – 2023 NOAA, National Ocean Service, Deputy Line Office Diving Officer
2002 – NOAA, MBNMS, Research Ecologist & Unit Diving Supervisor
2002 – UC Santa Cruz Institute of Marine Sciences, Research Associate
2002 UC Santa Cruz Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Lecturer
2001 – 2002 UC Santa Cruz Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Course Assistant
Eger, A.M. J.D. Aguirre, M. Altamirano, N. Arafeh‑Dalmau, N.L. Arroyo, A.M. Bauer‑Civiello, R. Beas‑Luna, T. Bekkby, S. Bennett, B. Bernal, C.O. Blain, J. Boada, S. Branigan, J. Bursic, B. Cevallos, C. Choi, S.D. Connell, C. Edward, H.S. Earp, N. Eddy, A. Matthius, L. Ennis, A.Falace, A.M. Ferreira, K. Filbee‑Dexter, H. Forbes, P. Francis, J.N. Franco, K.G. Geisler, A. Giraldo‑Ospina, A.V. Gonzalez, S. Hingorani, R. Hohman, L. Iveša, S. Kaleb, J.P. Keane, S.J.I. Koch, K. Krumhansl, L. Ladah, D.J. Lafont, C. Layton, D.M. Le, LC. Lee, S.D. Ling, S.I. Lonhart, L. Malpica‑Cruz, L. Mangialajo, A. McConnell, T.A. McHugh, F. Micheli, K.I. Miller, M. Monserrat, J. Montes‑Herrera, B. Moreno, C.J. Neufeld, S. Orchard, B. Peabody, O. Peleg, A. Pessarrodona, J.B. Pocklington, S.E. Reeves, A.M. Ricart, F. Ross, F.R. Schanz, M. Schreider, M. Sedarat, S.M. Smith, S. Starko, E.M.A. Strain, L. Tamburello, B. Timmer, J.E. Toft, R.A. Uribe, S.W.K. van den Burg, J.A. Vasquez, R.J. Veenhof, T. Wernberg, G. Wood, J.A. Zepeda‑Dominguez, and A. Verges. 2023. The Kelp Forest Challenge: A collaborative global movement to protect and restore 4 million hectares of kelp forests. Journal of Applied Phycology.
Turner, T.L. and S.I. Lonhart. 2023. The sponges of the Carmel Pinnacles Marine Protected Area. Zootaxa 5318(2): 151-194.
Tolimieri, N., A.O. Shelton, J.F. Samhouri, C.J. Harvey, B.E. Feist, G.D. Williams, K.S. Andrews, K.E. Frick, S.I. Lonhart, G. Sullaway, O. Liu, H.D. Berry, and J. Waddell. 2023. Changes in kelp forest communities off Washington, USA, during and after the 2014–2016 marine heatwave and sea star wasting syndrome. Marine Ecology Progress Series,
Malone, D.P., K. Davis, S.I. Lonhart, A. Parsons-Field, J.E. Caselle, and M.H. Carr. 2022. Large-scale, multidecade monitoring data from kelp forest ecosystems in California and Oregon (USA). Ecology e3630.
Hamilton, S.L., V.R. Saccomanno, W.N. Heady, A.L. Gehman, S.I. Lonhart, R. Beas-Luna, F.T. Francis, L. Lee, L. Rogers-Bennett, A.K. Salomon, and S.A. Gravem. 2021. Disease-driven mass mortality event leads to widespread extirpation and variable recovery potential of a marine predator across the eastern Pacific. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 288: 20211195. doi/10.1098/rspb.2021.1195
Yates, D.C., S.I. Lonhart, and S.L. Hamilton. 2020. Effects of marine reserves on predator-prey interactions in central California kelp forests. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 655:139-155.
Lonhart, S.I., R. Jeppesen, R. Beas-Luna, J.A. Crooks, and J. Lorda. 2019. Shifts in the distribution and abundance of coastal marine species along the eastern Pacific Ocean during marine heatwaves from 2013 to 2018. Marine Biodiversity Records.
Rhoades, O.K., S.I. Lonhart, and J.J. Stachowicz. 2019. Human-induced reductions in fish predator boldness decrease their predation rates in kelp forests. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 286(1900):20182745.
Sadowski, J.S., J.A. Gonzalez, S.I. Lonhart, R. Jeppesen, T.M. Grimes, and E.D. Grosholz. 2018. Temperature-induced range expansion of a subtropical crab along the California coast. Marine Ecology. e12528. PDF
Rhoades, O.K., S.I. Lonhart, and J.J. Stachowicz. 2018. Fished species uniformly reduced escape behaviors in response to protection. Biological Conservation, 226:238-246.
Zabin, C.J., M. Marraffini, S.I. Lonhart, L. McCann, L. Ceballos, C. King, J. Watanabe, J.S. Pearse, and G.M. Ruiz. 2018. Non‑native species colonization of highly diverse, wave swept outer coast habitats in Central California. Marine Biology, 165:31. PDF
Figurski, J.D., J. Freiwald, S.I. Lonhart, and C.D. Storlazzi. 2016. Seasonal sediment dynamics shape temperate bedrock reef communities. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 552:19-29.
Storlazzi, C.D., T.A. Fregoso, J.D. Figurski, J. Freiwald, S.I. Lonhart, and D.P. Finlayson. 2013. Burial and exhumation of temperate bedrock reefs as elucidated by repetitive high-resolution sea floor sonar surveys: spatial patterns and impacts to species’ richness and diversity. Continental Shelf Research, 55:40-51. PDF access
Ritter, A.F., K. Wasson, S.I. Lonhart, R.K. Preisler, A. Woolfolk, K.A. Griffith, S. Connors, and K.W. Heiman. 2008. Ecological signatures of anthropogenically altered tidal exchange in estuarine ecosystems. Estuaries and Coasts, 31:554-571 PDF
Zacherl, D., S.D. Gaines, and S.I. Lonhart. 2003. The limits to biogeographical distributions: insights from the northward range extensions of the marine snail, Kelletia kelletii (Forbes, 1852). Journal of Biogeography, 30: 913-924
Lonhart, S.I. and Tupen, J.W. 2001. Recent range extensions of 12 marine invertebrates: the role of El Niño and other mechanisms in southern and central California. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences, 100(3): 238-248 PDF access
Lonhart, S.I. 2013. Procedures for Scientific Dives. In: D.A. Dinsmore, J.E. Bozanic (eds). NOAA Diving Manual: Diving for Science and Technology, 5th Edition. Best Publishing Company. p 12.1-12.53.
Lonhart, S.I. 2009. Natural and climate change mediated invasions. In: G. Rilov, J.A. Crooks (eds). Biological Invasions of Marine Ecosystems: Patterns, Effects, and Management. Ecological Studies 204, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. p 57-69. 10.1007/978-3-540-79236-9_3
Lonhart, S.I. 2012. Growth and distribution of the invasive bryozoan Watersipora in Monterey Harbor, California. In: Steller, D. Lobel, L., eds. Diving for Science 2012. Proceedings of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences 31st Symposium. Dauphin Island, AL.: AAUS; 2102. Pages 89-98. PDF
Paduan, J., S. Benson, K. Bruland, F. Chavez, D. Costa, D. Croll, A. DeVogelaere, C. Edwards, G. Griggs, C. King, R. Kudela, J. Harvey, B.L. Lipphardt, S. Lonhart, P. Mantey, B. Marinovic, M. McManus, L. Rosenfeld, M. Silver, and J. Vesecky. 2005. Ocean observing and modeling system developments around Monterey Bay. California and the World Ocean ’02: revisiting and revising California’s ocean agenda. Proceedings of the Conference, October 27-30, 2002 Santa Barbara, California, eds. O.T. Magoon, H. Converse, B. Baird, B. Jines and M. Miller-Henson. Pages 967-976.
Lonhart, S.I. 2000. Diel vertical migration of Norrisia norrisi on Macrocystis pyrifera. Proceedings of the Fifth California Islands Symposium. US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Pacific OCS Region. Pages 382-389 PDF
Lonhart, S.I. 1999. Multiple techniques for marking subtidal marine mollusks. Proceedings of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences 19th Annual Scientific Diving Symposium, eds. J. N. Heine, D. Canestro and G. Wuttken. American Academy of Underwater Sciences. Pages 67-70 PDF