2012 Sanctuary Currents Symposium
From Lions to Luminescence: Linking Land and Sea
Saturday, April 14, 2012
8:00 am – 3:30 pm
The Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary invites the submission of abstracts for the Research Poster Session at the 2012 Sanctuary Currents Symposium. Share your research with leaders in marine science, education, and conservation. Posters that address the theme are especially encouraged, however, submissions may be from all types of coastal and marine research in the Sanctuary.
The theme of this year’s symposium is: From Lions to Luminescence: Linking Land and Sea. The land and sea are inextricably connected, from the tops of the mountains to the bottom of the ocean. Learn about some of the fascinating research and conservation activities taking place in our watersheds, wetlands, kelp forests and deep sea. Follow the links from land to sea, as scientists tell us their tales of tracking mountain lions and studying sea otters to searching for bioluminescent creatures of the deep.
The Research Poster Session is from 12:30 – 2:15 pm.
Author must be present during the poster session.
2012 Call for Research Posters flyer (421 KB PDF)
Abstract Submission
Abstracts should include author names, author affiliations, a title, and should briefly summarize the objectives, results, and importance of the research. Please submit abstracts in Microsoft Word format (250 words or less, Times New Roman, 12 pt) to sanctuarycurrents@gmail.com no later than Tuesday, January 31, 2012. Abstracts will be included in the Symposium program.
Sample Abstract
- Kelp Forest University
- California Department of Computers
Marine scientists in Monterey Bay, CA experienced a general decline in productivity during the 1999 academic year. One possible cause for this phenomenon is the advancement and integration of the various Computer Internet Systems. We compared work output, measured in hours spent writing, researching or at meetings, versus time spent “surfing the net” for ten randomly chosen scientists at each of three sites within the Monterey Bay area. Results demonstrate a significantly negative relationship between work output and time spent on “the net,” with rate of work output declining exponentially from the time of Internet installation. We conclude that scientists adept at “surfing the net” are less likely to produce rigorous scientific documents.
Poster Size
Posters should be a maximum of 3 feet wide and 4 feet tall. If your poster is larger than this it will not fit on the easel and the excess will obscure neighboring posters.
Posters must be set-up between 8:00 and 11:30 am, Saturday, April 14, 2012. Easels and pushpins will be provided. If you need a power supply, contact sanctuarycurrents@gmail.com. If you require anything else, you must bring it yourself. Posters must be removed after the poster session, no later than 4:00 pm.
Poster Submission
If you create your poster with a program such as PowerPoint, it is often easy to print out a small version for sharing (e.g., 8.5×11” PDF). Such handouts are often useful for the audience and for other interested scientists. Electronic submission of a small version (8.5×11” PDF) of your displayed poster is required for publication on the MBNMS Currents Symposium website (http://montereybay.noaa.gov/research/symposium.html). Please send poster PDFs (8.5×11”) to sanctuarycurrents@gmail.com.
Poster Awards
If you are a student and the first author on a poster, you may be eligible for consideration of a student award. Posters will be judged during the poster session and awards will be announced at the Symposium. Poster Awards will be considered at three academic levels: 1) Graduate Student, 2) Undergraduate Student, and 3) High School Student.
Prior to submitting an abstract, an author should be confident that they will attend the Symposium. If circumstances prevent attendance, the first option should be to have a co-author make the poster presentation. If it is not possible to find another presenter, the author should notify sanctuarycurrents@gmail.com as soon as possible so that the program may be as accurate as possible.
For More Information on the Sanctuary Currents Symposium, please click here
The Symposium will be held at:
University Center
Sixth Avenue
Seaside, CA
(831) 582-4111